My Approach

I work as a conduit between the world we live in, the material seen world of ordinary reality (OR), and the unseen spirit world of non-ordinary reality (NOR). Working as a guide I assist in disconnecting anything that’s impeding your creativity, health and well-being, and in connecting you to the spirit world and the vital energy that nourishes us. 

I can assist you in finding allies in the spirit world and reconnecting you with lost soul parts through core shamanic healing practices such as power animal retrieval and soul retrieval. Extraction, psychopomp, divination, and curse unravelling are additional shamanic healing methods that I use. I also offer shamanic consultation and instruction in how to connect with the spirit world as part of my practice.

Let’s Dive In


Power Animal Retrieval 

It is widely believed in shamanic communities that it is common for us to have a guardian spirit during childhood who protects and assists us on our journey to adulthood. In this practice you will be connected with a guardian spirit who volunteers to assist you in your daily life, protect you and give you guidance. These spirits usually appear as animals and are a source of our power. You will have your own unique sacred sidekick that you will begin a relationship with and discover how this ally can help you.

Soul Retrieval

From a shamanic point of view many experiences such as trauma, illness, loss and fright can cause soul loss. It is even common for people to “give parts of their soul away” as in love. Some shamanic communities believe that soul loss is at the core of every disease. In this practice I journey to find any missing soul parts and return them to you, to reconstitute your wholeness.


In this ancient practice I journey on your behalf to find answers from compassionate spirits to your questions, and advice for issues with which you are dealing. I help you to language your questions in the most effective way to receive answers specific to your questions.


This is another beautiful ancient practice performed for the benefit of souls who have gotten stuck in Ordinary Reality, the material world we live in. Sometimes when a person dies there is a glitch in the process of their soul traveling to the spirit world destination. In these situations I work as a guide taking the soul to its spirit destination.


Sometimes we can experience physical pain and/or illness, the cause of which may be a a spiritual factor. Extraction is a core shamanic practice removing any spiritual intrusions that are interfering with good health causing illness or pain.

Curse Unravelling

Most of us consider curses to be intentional, wishing evil on another person. But curses can be seemingly benign, intentional, or unintentional. They can be simple or complicated. They might be as simple and unintentional as someone in a conversation saying, “You’ll never be a good student.” We can also curse ourselves unintentionally. “I’ll never learn to dance.” Although curses have existed throughout history, curse unraveling is an esoteric practice. This is not a core, universal or common shamanic practice. If you feel that you are influenced by a curse, we will first check to see if you have. If so, I will unravel the curse.

“Never lose hope, my heart, miracles dwell in the invisible.”

— Rumi